Friday, June 19, 2009

Just A Few Pictures from Last Week

When I posted before and talked about my parents being here, I hadn't yet uploaded pictures from their visit.  I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, but here are a few from the day the left, right before they left.

First, we got Zach and Drew on the steps for a super cute picture, and they were both all smiles.

Then we got all four of us on the steps, and for some reason I'm the only one who looks like she's looking directly at the sun.  I feel like if I could just crop me out of this picture, it'd be a great picture of my 3 boys.

Then we tried to get a picture of the boys with Grandma and Grandpa, and Drew was just not having any part of that.  He's definitely into Mommy lately, and if somebody comes along who is going to take him away from me, he gets pretty unhappy.

But then we let him smell the daylilies, and that made him happy.

Then he decided he couldn't really smell the flower that well, so he should taste it.

And then Grandma, Grandpa, and Sadie drove off into the sunset (or somewhat rising sun, as it was still before noon), and Drew said, "Baaaah!!!" and waved happily, as Zach said again, "Can we PLEASE go to Colorado with them?"

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