Thursday, March 12, 2009

Drew's 1 Year Check-Up

Today Drew woke up thinking it'd be a great day, but the poor kid had another thing coming.  After we dropped Zach off at preschool, we headed home for Drew's nap.  I had to wake him up a little early to go to the pediatrician for his one year check-up.  At first he was full of happiness and was giving every nurse that walked by his silly face, the one where he squints his eyes until they're basically closed and gives his huge smile.  Then one of those nurses pricked his finger and wouldn't stop squeezing it.  Seriously, it felt like she squeezed that thing for 10 minutes and like she was trying to get a quart of blood out of my sweet baby's little finger.  Finally she was done, and Drew got back to being happy.  He especially enjoyed unrolling the paper that covers the table.  I told him no while smiling a couple of times, and he laughed and did it some more.  Then when I was a little more firm with him, he knew I was serious, and that produced the next round of tears.  But, he stopped messing with the paper and I was able to get him distracted and happy again.  Then a student PA came in and checked Drew out, and he gave her his silly face, as well as Sally, the PA we usually see, when she came in after that to do the real check-up.  He was happy with her until I asked about his circumcision (we've been a little worried we'll have to have it redone) and she started tugging around down there.  That did not make him happy one bit.  But again, he got over it.  Then the nurse came back to do his vaccinations, and that was the last straw.  I think it didn't help that it was past lunchtime and he was hungry.  At least it was just a 2 minute drive home to some yummy lunch, and he even got to taste my Thin Mints.  He sure used his ever-evolving sign for "more" with those!  (He used to move his hand up and down for "more," then it changed to one clap, basically, and today it was one closed hand to one palm.  The real sign, f.y.i., is like 2 closed hands with the fingers touching.)

Drew seemed to be pretty happy after lunch, and he took a long nap.  I gave him a little Tylenol before his nap because the nurse and doctor said a fever is common after this round of vaccinations.  We played happily after his nap, and I left him happy when I went to work out at 5:15, but when I returned home at 6:15, I found a different kid.  I don't know what Mike did to him while I was gone!  Just kidding.  But really, you could tell the poor kid just didn't feel great.  He wasn't himself.  He just kept fussing.  He would be happy for a minute, but then he would kind of whine and cry.  He was happier just sitting on my lap than doing anything else, and that's not like my normal, happy, active little pumpkin.  During his bath he was happy again, and he seemed pretty happy to get to bed.  I hope tomorrow he's feeling fine!

Oh, his stats- he gained 2 pounds since December, and he now weighs 22 pounds.  This puts him in the 37th percentile.  At one year, Zach weighed 21 pounds.  Drew is 29.8 inches long, which means he grew 1.3 inches in the last 3 months.  He's in the 47th percentile.  Zach was 29.3 inches at 12 months.  And their head circumference was almost exactly the same at 12 months, so I'd say they're on the same growth curve.

Finally, because no post is complete without a picture, here's one of Zach and Drew enjoying on of Drew's new birthday presents.  Somehow, I don't think this is how it was intended to be used.

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